ARCKIT Model 25
Featuring Cole Cremen
“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.”
Project Details
To begin, this project is significantly different from others that I've done. Here, I work with Cole Creman, a new member of our Arckit Group, to show the disassembly process as a method of rapid prototyping new ideas. These different prototypes will be known as variants within the same Arckit project. The variants will share the same base floor plan and expand off of it. Each variant includes a dining, living and kitchen and bathroom on that shared base plate. The project starts off with a full three story home with three bedrooms, an office and rooftop deck. The next variant removes the third story getting rid of the rooftop deck. The following variant simplifies the second floor programming to just one bedroom, removing the office and the two other bedrooms. From here, the final variant removes the second floor, moves the master bedroom downstairs and adds another bedroom. Through the process of centralizing the interior space, we create a central core that ties together all of the water systems. When paired with a butterfly roof to collect water, sunshades around the south end and efficient programing, we have a great prototype for a highly sustainable green home.
Variant 1
Variant 2
Variant 3
Variant 4
Overall this different format made for a very successful project that really highlighted the strengths of using Arckit. To be able to rapidly test out various ideas on the fly made for a highly thought out series of finished projects. It was an excellent exercise for Cole to dive right in, see a final product, break it down and test out iterations all while learning how to use Arckit for the first time!
Video Documentation
Cole Cremen is a full-time student at the University of Maryland. He is currently perusing a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture and a certificate in women’s studies. With interests in rapid prototyping and sustainable systems, he hopes to design affordable, self sufficient, modular homes for marginalized groups within the urban environment.
If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, I would love to hear from you in the comments section below or through email at
Thank you!