ARCKIT Model 34
“Architecture is not an inspirational business, it’s a rational procedure to do sensible and hopefully beautiful things; that’s all.”
First Floor Plan - Front Entrance
Project Details
First Floor Plan - Stair Placement
Today I present Arckit Model 34, a modern home design equipped to cater to a full sized family. I specifically focused on trying to develop a program that optimized both natural lighting and ventilation. As shown below in the video documentation, I began by drawing out a sample first floor plan, highlighting the exits, entries and windows. From here I thought about stair placement, thinking ahead to the second floor plan. Before dividing the interior spaces out, I did a rough conversion of dimensions to Arckit units. For the first floor plan, I included an indoor pool area extending from the rest of the house. I linked the living room, dining area and kitchen into one open area before placing a guest bedroom, office and bathroom.
First Floor Plan - South View
First Floor Plan - North View
Moving to build the physical model, I copied the plan that I had drawn out, glazing off most of the northern wall. From here I was able to perform some preliminary light studies to test out my programming of space and ensure that the interior space was relatively even with lighting design.
Second Floor Plan - Master Bedroom View
Second Floor Plan
After this was all complete, I drew the second floor plan in red, marking off areas for a roof top patio, a master bedroom balcony and a double height space above the kitchen and dining area. I then divided the space I had left to include a family area, a master bedroom/bath and two kids bedrooms and a single shared bathroom. Translating this drawing to the physical model, I laid down flooring for the entire area except for the stairs and the space above the kitchen and dining area which would be left open to be double height spaces.
Staircase Exterior View
To complete the model, I sketched out a roof design in blue that would cover the entire second floor while overhanging to the north and west. To make sure the roof wouldn't collapse over the large interior, I used the 4X4 Arckit plates to cover as much area as possible. As with any Arckit model, make sure to apply pressure only to areas that you are confident that are supported. When laying down the roof titles I made extra care to not apply pressure to the center of the model to avoid a cave in.
Overall this has got to be one of my favorite designs and was a blast to create and build!
Photo Gallery
Video Documentation
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